Mystery Hunters: Aliens

Price: 155.0

Age : 9 - 12 years
Series: misteryhunters
No pf Pages: 48 pages
Publisher: Aries Books International. (January 1
Language: English
Copyright: 2021
Graphics: Full Color Photographs

Stock: Yes

SKU: 201201

Some think UFO lore began sometime in the 1940s with the sighting of so-called flying saucers, but ancient Egyptians recorded sightings of mysterious unidentified objects in the sky as well! These couldnt have been experimental aircraft, as is so often the explanation for UFO accounts. This entertaining guide to all things alien presents the facts and lore of UFO and alien sightings. The motivating text also considers the impact and influence of alien movies and space discoveries. Readers will weigh the well-balanced evidence with the aid of fun images and photographs and assess whether they are true believers.

Dimensions: 7.25 × 9.25